MIL-PRF-24635E Phthalic anhydride and drying oil acids. Formulation data shall be used by manufacturers in lieu of
testing to demonstrate the inclusion of unsaponifiable, drying oil acids and phthalic anhydride in the resin
formulation. Identification spectra. The copolymer shall be tested qualitatively by agitating a 0.5-gram sample of the
extracted vehicle with three successive 20-mL portions of isopropanol, decanting of the alcohol and saving each
portion. The infrared spectrum shall be scanned from 2 to 15 m of a solvent-free film of both the isopropanol
insoluble portion and the soluble portion after evaporation of the alcohol.
4.5.3 Flash point. The flash point of the coating or any component shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM D3278.
4.5.4 Condition in container. A container of the coating or container of each component shall be equilibrated to
test laboratory conditions [nominal 23 °C (73 °F)]. Evidence of pressure or vacuum in the unopened container shall
be noted. The container shall then be opened and examined in accordance with Method 3011.3 of FED-STD-141
for evidence of skinning, corrosion of container interior, odor of putrefaction, rancidity or souring, gel bodies, and
hard settling. The components shall be hand-stirred 300 stirs in 2 minutes with a spatula appropriate to the
container, stirring so as to ensure uniform distribution of any settled material.
4.5.5 Storage stability. Partially-full containers (types II, III, and IV only). Skinning for each coating or coating component
shall be determined in accordance with the following procedure. A 6-ounce sample of the coating material shall be
measured into a 1-quart multiple friction top can that is already ¾ full with the coating material. The cover shall be
secured tightly and the can inverted momentarily. The can shall then be in an upright position in the dark (placing it
under a box or in a drawer is satisfactory). The test shall be made at 22.2 °C to 26.7 °C (72 °F to 80 °F). The
sample shall not be agitated or disturbed until inspected. The coating material shall be inspected for skinning after
48 hours. The cans shall then be resealed and aged for 7 days at 49 °C (120 °F) prior to re-inspection. After this
period, the coating or coating components shall be mixed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, and the
dry time, gloss, brush, roll and spray characteristics, viscosity and color deviation from the un-aged mixed coating
determined in accordance with Full container. A full quart can of each coating or coating component shall be allowed to stand
undisturbed for 12 months and then the contents tested in accordance with ASTM D1849. Each component shall be
evaluated for pigment settling or caking. Each can shall then be agitated for 5 minutes on the paint shaker prior to
re-inspection. The components shall then be mixed, and the dry time, gloss, brush, roll and spray characteristics,
viscosity, and color deviation from the un-aged mixed coating determined in accordance with Accelerated storage stability. After exposure to a temperature of 49 °C (120 °F) for a period of 7 days,
a previously unopened, original container of coating or of each coating system component shall be examined.
4.5.6 Water content. The water content of the coating shall be determined in accordance with ASTM D1364.
4.5.7 Coarse particles. The amount of coarse particles and skins shall be determined in accordance with
ASTM D185.
4.5.8 Consistency (types II, III, and V only). The consistency of the coating shall be determined in accordance
with ASTM D562 and reported in Kreb units.
4.5.9 Fineness of grind. The fineness of grind of the coating shall be measured in accordance with
ASTM D1210.
4.5.10 Brushing properties. The coating shall be brushed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions to
a test panel prepared in accordance with 4.4.1. The panel shall be visually inspected for defects.
4.5.11 Rolling properties. The coating shall be rolled in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions onto a
test panel prepared in accordance with 4.4.1. The panel shall be visually inspected for defects.
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